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Preventing condensation

It is possible to lower the amount of condensation in your home by making a few easy changes, as outlined in our video on managing condensation in your home.

Please note, if the cause of mould or damp is due to condensation then it’s your responsibility to ventilate your home and clean the mould from surfaces. has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.

Condensation can lead to damp and mould in your home – there are little things you can do each day to reduce the risk of mould developing

Stay warm - keep your home consistently warm to reduce build up of moisture Ventilate - open windows for fresh air so there's healthy airflow in your home Wipe it down - regularly wipe condensation off windows Extractor fans - make sure to use them when cooking and showering to reduce steam

Damp can be caused by a number of different things including:

  • Leaking pipes, wastes, drainage and overflows
  • Rain water leaking in from faulty roof coverings or blocked/broken gutters and pipes
  • Raised ground levels or lack of damp proof course bringing damp through walls and around windows
  • Condensation, which is caused by moisture in the air.
  • There are lots of ways to prevent it, which you can read about here

If you think you have a damp issue in your home, please contact us using MyRaven or by calling 0300 123 3399.  The fastest and easiest way to get it resolved is to contact us directly.


There’s always some moisture in the air, even if you can’t see it. If the air gets colder it can’t hold all the moisture and tiny drops of water appear. This is condensation. You also notice condensation when you see your breath on a cold day, or when the mirror mists over when you have a bath.

You’ll mostly see the signs of condensation in kitchens and bathrooms. The moisture comes from typical day-to-day activities including washing, cooking, drying clothes, showering and bathing. The condensation tends to build up on windows or external walls where the moisture meets the coldness of outside. Also keep an eye out for it in corners, on or near windows, in or behind wardrobes and cupboards.

When mould grows it’s the biggest indicator that you have a problem with condensation in your home.

Mould might appear black, white, yellow or green in colour. Mould is not only unpleasant to look at but it can increase the risk of asthma and respiratory illnesses in some people and must be dealt with urgently.

The only lasting way of avoiding severe mould is to remove the cause of the dampness – condensation. Keep in mind the day-to-day things that cause condensation and take steps to reduce it in your home.

Produce less moisture

  • Cook with pan lids on and turn the heat down once the water has boiled
  • Use the minimum amount of water needed to cook vegetables, pasta, rice or potatoes on the hob
  • When filling the bath, start with cold water then add the hot (this reduces the amount of steam created)
  • If you use a tumble dryer, make sure this is vented to the outside or it is a condenser dryer
  • Reduce moisture by using a dehumidifier, these can be electric or use crystals
  • Avoid drying laundry on radiators. Dry clothes outdoors whenever possible. If you do have to dry them inside, put them in the bathroom on an airer with the door closed and the window open or extractor fan on
  • Don’t use your gas cooker to heat your kitchen and don’t use bottled gas heaters

Ventilate to remove moisture

Ventilation in a home is important to get rid of the moisture that is naturally created through day-to-day activities.

  • Keep trickle vents on your windows open at all times or leave a small window slightly open
  • Close the bathroom and kitchen doors when these rooms are being used, even if they have extractor fans, to stop the moisture reaching other rooms and open windows when cooking if possible
  • Allow space for air to move around your furniture. Open doors regularly to ventilate cupboards and wardrobes, leave space between the backs of furniture and the wall Wherever possible position furniture against internal rather than external walls
  • Don’t overfill wardrobes and cupboards as this will stop air from circulating

Heat your home

Winter is known as the condensation season, when temperatures are colder outside and the house is cold the air can’t hold all the moisture. When the home is warmer, condensation is less likely to appear.

  • Keep rooms warm enough to avoid condensation. Keep low background heating on all day (this also saves energy costs as you don’t have to keep heating a cold home from a very low temperature)
  • Install carpets and curtains where you can to help keep your home warm and well insulated
  • Don’t use paraffin or bottled gas heaters to keep your home warm as these are a fire risk

If you’d like advice on the cost of heating your home please contact the Energy Saving Trust on 0300 123 1234. If you’d like advice on managing your energy bills or energy tariffs, please contact our Moneywise team through your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399.

  • Let us know by reporting the problem on MyRaven or calling 0300 123 3399
  • Wipe away any condensation from windows and sills every morning during the Winter
  • Use a mould and mildew cleaning spray to regularly clean and remove mould, where you can easily reach it without the need to climb. When you’re choosing a spray, look out for ‘mouldicide’ in the ingredients list to check you’re getting the right one. Before cleaning mould, take a photograph and report it to us using your MyRaven online account or calling 0300 123 3399
  • Dry clean any clothes with mildew on
  • Shampoo carpets – avoid disturbing the mould by brushing or vacuum cleaning as it can distribute the mould spores further
  • If after removing the mould you need to then make sure you use an anti-mould paint to help prevent it returning
  • Don’t wallpaper over damp or mould
  • Don’t cover the special anti-mould paint with normal emulsion paint or wallpaper
  • We’ll make sure that your kitchen and bathrooms are fitted with an extractor fan that works automatically when humid air is detected.
  • We’ll ensure your home is fitted with a working thermostat so you can control the temperature in your home
  • We’ll ensure your home is suitably insulated
  • We’ll draughtproof your windows and outside doors
  • We’ll deal with condensation related repairs as quickly as possible to prevent mould

If you are unsure if your home is fitted with the correct things to help prevent condensation and damp, then please contact us on MyRaven or by calling 0300 123 3399.

  • If you’re not clear what to do to reduce condensation in your home, we can visit and give you advice as well as check for any repairs
  • We can give you more detailed information about the right paint to buy, dehumidifiers, airers and ways to clean mould
  • If you’re struggling financially, we may be able to get you help with the cost of buying items to deal with condensation, extra electricity costs, or supply you with things like airers

Log a request for help through your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399.

What looks like damp in walls and ceilings is normally caused by condensation. But there may be other causes, such as:

  • Leaking roofs, guttering or chimneys
  • Leaking internal or external pipes
  • A breach of the damp-proof course, or failure of rendering or brickwork.

If the damp is being caused by a structural problem, then we will carry out those repairs to the building. Please report this to us through your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399

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Telephone: 0300 123 3399

Facebook Messenger: RavenHousingTrust


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