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We believe that we should reflect the communities we work with, supporting our aspirations to know our customers better than any other housing association and therefore, be able to respond better to their wants and needs. Seeing us as a diverse provider will give customers greater confidence that we understand them. We are committed to building an inclusive culture, where managers understand the critical importance of trust where staff feel accepted and respected, to be themselves, raise concerns without fear and where interpersonal trust and differences are valued. Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is reflected at all levels of the organisation, including using specialist agencies to widen the talent pool in our approach to recruitment for Board members and members of the Leadership Team.

We have a robust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy and will monitor and publish delivery of progress, on a quarterly basis starting from December 2021, together with an annual summary. In making these commitments, we acknowledge the requirements of the NHF Code of Governance to publish an annual update on work done to deliver our commitments and objectives. In addition, whilst we are required to comply with the Equality Act 2010, we are not required to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. However, as an employer who places diversity and inclusion at the heart of our services, we use the Duty as a best practice reference point and benchmark in setting our goals and objectives.

Our Board is committed to improving its own diversity and have put in place a number of initiatives to attract, and where possible, train and develop members who better reflect the diversity of the community it serves.

Raven made a clear and active commitment to taking practical steps to improve its approach to equality, diversity and inclusion through the publication of its EDI strategy in 2021 to enhance outcomes for customers and staff.

Additionally, the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance sets out a specific requirement for Boards of Housing Associations in relation to ED&I as follows:

Demonstrate a clear and active commitment to achieve equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion in all of the organisation’s activities, as well as in its own composition. It has policies and statements which meaningfully demonstrate this commitment and sets priorities and objectives for the organisation to achieve.

  1. The board seeks regular assurance about how these commitments and objectives are being delivered in practice, and tracks progress against the priorities it has set.
  2. The organisation annually publishes information about its work to deliver these commitments and objectives, and the progress it has made.

This report has been published to fulfil the second requirement and to provide interested parties with insight into the actions Raven is taking to improve EDI outcomes

EDI strategy – 6 Month update – July 2023


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